"The argument has been made that “If we have to dress like them when we’re in their country (conservatively), then why shouldn’t they have to dress like us in our country?” The key is modesty. Your mother never told you that you weren’t going to school if you didn’t put a shorter skirt on, and your father never told you that your prom dress could use a little more cleavage. If someone came into America from a nudist colony and expected to parade around in their natural state, they would simply get arrested. And in that case, “they” do have to dress like us in our country. Government bans on the Amish head coverings “kapps” has never been an issue and asking Jews to remove their yarmulkes on the Sabbath is unheard of. That is because these days people aren’t afraid of the Amish and they aren’t afraid of Jews. Asking a woman to remove her hijab has nothing to do with wanting to see her hair and has everything to do with stripping her of her culture and identity."
So stick that in your back pocket.
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