Saturday, March 31, 2012

Daily Dose of Cute

For my multimedia class we have a semester-long project that includes, audio, video, photography, animation, illustrations, etc. I chose to do mine on pit bulls as pets, partly because pit bull owners swear they're a misunderstood breed and partly because it means I get to hang out with dogs while I "work." A couple weeks ago I got some video at the SPCA in Raleigh. I went into the puppy room and turns out some of them were a little curious. 

So here are a couple clips I got of the curious puppies. Enjoy your daily dose of cute.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Week I Went Blonde

So about a month ago, I decided it was time for a change. I do this periodically and it usually involves my hair, i.e. donating my hair three times, and semi-permanently dying it about five times. This time, I decided, was a chance for something more drastic. I've been faced with the idea that once I go into the "real" world, I won't be able to drastically dye my hair as I wish and still remain respected and professional. And so, if I were going to do something drastic, while I'm still in school is the only choice.

And so I decided to go blonde.

I threatened to do it for a few weeks and kept checking Groupon for good deals on color. But THEN I called the Aveda Institute, right here in Chapel Hill, to see what their prices were.

Now, as you may have guessed, the stylists and colorists are cosmetology students. I figured I'd be going back brunette in a couple months anyway, so I mind as well help a student learn how to turn someone blonde, while at the same time not breaking bank. So last Tuesday, I marched into the Aveda salon channeling Marilyn Monroe, with this picture in hand:

I was ready. I was anticipating walking out of that salon a new woman. They told me something about having lots of dimensions and layers of highlights and doing a full foil. I've never had my hair professionally dyed so I just said, "Yea sure! That sounds great!"

And thus begins the photo montage:

After FIVE HOURS of highlighting, I leave Aveda looking like this:

NOT. REESE. I do NOT look like Reese!

So I called them back a couple days later, realizing that I really only wanted to be blonde a few months and didn't have time for four highlighting sessions six weeks apart. So I went back in on Friday to make them fix it and came out looking like this:

Blonder, but still not Reese.

By the time Monday rolls around, I'm pretty positive I don't like being blonde. Blondes don't have more fun. Fun people have more fun. I can be fun without being blonde. I wanted my brown hair back. And so Jason (visiting on spring break) and I go to Wal-Mart to buy boxed hair dye. What better way to fix a bad dye job than $3 Wal-Mart box dye? None. Exactly. So we buy this:

And my hair comes out looking like a leopard. Like a bonafide jungle cat.

Yup, that's my feline self walking through Wal-Mart - looking for another box of dye. This is about the time that the jokes started flying.

Me: The dye says it has to stay in at least 25 min, but 45 for lighter hair.
Jason: So how do we know what to do with yours?

Jason: Look on the bright side...
Me: Which one!?

Me (talking about something else): If you don't like something change it, right?
Jason: And then change it three more times to get it back to how it was originally.

So this time we got something darker to try. And this box was $7, so you know it's legit.

Once this one went in, it was very clear that the dye was actually purple. After rounds 1, 2 and 3, however, purple sounded alright - I felt like I could be a purple-head if it meant I didn't have to put anymore chemicals in my hair.

When I was rinsing it out, I realized how purple the water was and thats when I started to really worry.

But, alas, my hair came out all dark brown. And I look much more normal today than I have for the past ten days. And thus, thankfully, ends The Week I Went Blonde.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wild and Rowdy: SB12

I am back in Chapel Hill and almost recovered from the most ridiculous spring break of my life. But not the drunk-n-naked kind of ridiculous.

My spring break at age 22 included a cruise to the Bahamas with 16 girls in my sorority. My spring break at age 23 included a weekend looking at wedding venues for my sister, an academic conference, and watching my high school best friend walk down the aisle.

And, per most of my long breaks from school, and thanks to the iPhone, I am going to explain my spring break in pictures.

Stop 1: Wilmington, NC. Here's a sneak peek at Lisa's wedding location. Eek!

We also went to a wedding showcase, where mom and I found a photobooth!

Stop 2: Alpharetta/Atlanta, Ga. I got to see my dogs!

And my mom made me go to the dentist. Part of a filling had fallen off so they had to fix it. This is what my half-numb face looks like when it's smiling.

And Jason made me caprese salad. Or at least his version of it. Proportions negotiable.

Stop 3: Blacksburg, Va.

I dragged my man friend to the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium where I presented a paper on student online speech rights. Thrilling, right? I thought so, actually.

Count on UNC students/professors to be gathered around a TV showing the game - even at an academic conference.

Stop 4: Auburn, Ga. to see one of my best life friends, Locher, get married. Luckily she kept Locher as her middle name so it's still legit to call her that. Congrats, Lauren Locher Carnes! And Chip, too, of course.

Getting ready!

Watching his bride walk down the aisle!

One of Locher's closest friends couldn't make it to the wedding because she's in Italy for a year. But she still made it! Thanks to modern technology...

Getting married!!! (My "honorary bridesmaid" status got me a front row seat, I couldn't help but get a couple pictures.)

The first dance!

Bob helping them make their getaway.