Monday, March 3, 2014

Olde English Uga

A few months ago my sister Lisa got an Olde English Bulldog puppy named Piper. This weekend I puppysat from Thursday to Sunday and took a million pictures - whenever she would hold still. We had all kinds of adventures. So, for your viewing pleasure, here is a plethora of puppy pictures. Please prepare yourself to get overwhelmed with cuteness.
On the way to our apartment:

Chomping my toes

Doing her Winston Churchill impression:
 Helping me look at wedding venues:

Dog park adventures!
After our jog where she zig-zagged in front of me instead of running next to me

Then she was very tired and had to sleep for three hours. These pictures are all from the same nap as she snaked her way up my body in her sleep.

Flipped onto her back

Tucked under my chin

Helping me cook (microwave) dinner

Fell asleep sitting up

Head tilting
Extreme head tilting

Giving kisses
Licking toes after the shower:


Puppy yoga

Eating dirt

Looking like a little gremlin with her BFF Phil Robertson
Tug of war

We had a very fun weekend of aunt/dogniece bonding!