So about a month ago, I decided it was time for a change. I do this periodically and it usually involves my hair, i.e. donating my hair three times, and semi-permanently dying it about five times. This time, I decided, was a chance for something more drastic. I've been faced with the idea that once I go into the "real" world, I won't be able to drastically dye my hair as I wish and still remain respected and professional. And so, if I were going to do something drastic, while I'm still in school is the only choice.
And so I decided to go blonde.
I threatened to do it for a few weeks and kept checking Groupon for good deals on color. But THEN I called the Aveda Institute, right here in Chapel Hill, to see what their prices were.
Now, as you may have guessed, the stylists and colorists are cosmetology students. I figured I'd be going back brunette in a couple months anyway, so I mind as well help a student learn how to turn someone blonde, while at the same time not breaking bank. So last Tuesday, I marched into the Aveda salon channeling Marilyn Monroe, with this picture in hand:

I was ready. I was anticipating walking out of that salon a new woman. They told me something about having lots of dimensions and layers of highlights and doing a full foil. I've never had my hair professionally dyed so I just said, "Yea sure! That sounds great!"
And thus begins the photo montage:
After FIVE HOURS of highlighting, I leave Aveda looking like this:
NOT. REESE. I do NOT look like Reese!
So I called them back a couple days later, realizing that I really only wanted to be blonde a few months and didn't have time for four highlighting sessions six weeks apart. So I went back in on Friday to make them fix it and came out looking like this:
Blonder, but still not Reese.
By the time Monday rolls around, I'm pretty positive I don't like being blonde. Blondes don't have more fun. Fun people have more fun. I can be fun without being blonde. I wanted my brown hair back. And so Jason (visiting on spring break) and I go to Wal-Mart to buy boxed hair dye. What better way to fix a bad dye job than $3 Wal-Mart box dye? None. Exactly. So we buy this:
And my hair comes out looking like a leopard. Like a bonafide jungle cat.
Yup, that's my feline self walking through Wal-Mart - looking for another box of dye. This is about the time that the jokes started flying.
Me: The dye says it has to stay in at least 25 min, but 45 for lighter hair.
Jason: So how do we know what to do with yours?
Jason: Look on the bright side...
Me: Which one!?
Me (talking about something else): If you don't like something change it, right?
Jason: And then change it three more times to get it back to how it was originally.
So this time we got something darker to try. And this box was $7, so you know it's legit.
Once this one went in, it was very clear that the dye was actually purple. After rounds 1, 2 and 3, however, purple sounded alright - I felt like I could be a purple-head if it meant I didn't have to put anymore chemicals in my hair.
When I was rinsing it out, I realized how purple the water was and thats when I started to really worry.
But, alas, my hair came out all dark brown. And I look much more normal today than I have for the past ten days. And thus, thankfully, ends The Week I Went Blonde.

I think the "Blonder" was pretty, even if it wasn't Reese (you're beautiful all by yourself!) -- maybe you should try that one again!! LOL!