Since I uploaded that picture from my dog years, I thought I'd share a few more memories of my awesome childhood. Come along with me through yester-year...

**When I was two, my dad found a frog on a windowsill and put it in a box, thinking I would love it. He was wrong.**

This is how dinner went every night of my childhood:
Mom: Cindy, you have to eat 6 bites of your broccoli before you can have icecream.
Me: *silently staring*
Mom: Ok, you have to have FOUR bites of your broccoli.
Me: *unwavering, staring silently*
Mom: Cindy, if you don't eat two bites of your broccoli, you don't get any dessert all week.
Me: *thinking "silly mother, we've been over this a million times. Give it up." All the while- staring silently.*
Mom: One bite of broccoli. Please. Eat something.
Me, after shoving a teeny piece of broccoli in my mouth: ICECREAMMM!!!!!
So my mother says that I refused to wear a helmet and so she just gave in. Ya know what? I think I believe her.**
**Following the theme of my childhood stubbornness, I refused to let my mother brush my hair. So she cut it all off. Then one day when we were in the grocery store another kid said I looked like a boy. I'm scarred for life.**

Hey Cindy! It's fun to see all these fun pix since I can remember you guys back then. I'd be scared (or maybe scarred) if we posted old fam pix of the Athow kids!