The other day we took an afternoon to visit a school that was unbelievable. The walls were engraved completely with verses from the Qu'ran and completely hand done mosaic walls.
The same day we saw a huge "pool" that used to be used to teach the army how to swim. Now it'd filled with carp that you can feed.
We've also had plenty of time to walk around and see the Jamalfana (the huge market) where they sell pretty much anything you can imagine from spices to slippers to lingerie to lanterns to suitcases to oranges.
Yesterday we took an entire day to travel up one of the mountains to see the Tenmil mosque. It was incredible and we had to use our headscarves for the first time. I'm starting to understand the headscarf thing. Nadia told us that it's basically giving yourself up to God. The girls that wear the full veils (mouths and nose too) are pretty much saving their beauty for God. Also...just to point it has become very clear to me during my stay so far that women are not subservient in this society. They consciously choose to cover their heads and/or mouths or not to. It's a choice that each woman makes for herself. I have met older women who wear nothing and young girls who cover themselves completely.
**Tinmil mosque**
**Some of us in our scarves lookin fly.**
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