Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Organically yours

Continuing on the fact that (all but one of) the people in my program are miles more liberal than I am, I have been given so much crap about what I eat.

Now, for those that are informed of my testy digestive system, you know that there are many foods that I can't eat and keep down. So when I find something that I can eat without worry, I stick to it.

Recently my diet consists of bread, carbs, raw vegetables, Lean Cuisines, english muffins, cream cheese, carbs, bananas, chicken, carbs and sweets.

Now, I recognize that it's not the most balanced diet. But it keeps me from upchucking in class, so my classmates should be thanking me.

One day when discussing what I microwaved myself for dinner the previous night, I got a lecture about how terrible Lean Cuisines are for me, and was offered to have someone list out all the preservatives in them.

These people I'm talking about make their own peanut butter, brew their own tea (to drink from a mason jar because plastic is bad), and grow a billion different spices on their apartment porches. They also scoff at anything non-organic. Anything.

I get it. I do. Making fresh food is good for you. I can't cook, and I don't choose to learn. It seems like a waste of time to me and if I'm going to take time out of my day to do something, it's not going to be for cooking. So sue me.

I'm not eating Big Macs for every meal, and considering the limits of my diet, I try to eat decently healthy.

Also. I'm a good person. I'm working on my third degree. I'm going to contribute to society and pay for my own healthcare. So what I choose to put in my body is of no concern to you.

Unless it is smoke and in that case feel free to bitch-slap me.

Point is, I have a decent amount of things going for me and at some point I just can't do it all. So one of the things I choose not to cook.

But since I have been dubbed the young, irresponsible one of the group that doesn't cook for herself, I have decided to completely embrace it.

Conversation of the day with a guy who did the Peace Corps in Mozambique and eats seaweed for lunch (no, I'm not kidding):
-Dude says something about his French press
-Me: I drink instant.
-Dude: INSTANT COFFEE? That has to be so crappy. It's so processed. And it has so much less caffeine.
-Me: I like to drink decaf anyway so it doesn't really matter. Plus I know nothing about coffee so it all tastes the same.
-Dude: DECAF INSTANT COFFEE!?!? I can't imagine how terrible that tastes.
-Me: It tastes pretty great if you add enough sugar and flavored creamer.
-Dude: **blank stare**

Hey, if you can't fight em, be obnoxious.


  1. wait i'm sorry, people in grad school have time to make their own peanut butter and grow spices in their apartments? surely you jest.

  2. ya seriously. I have been trying to grow this baby basil plant that Emilia gave me on my window sill for over a month and all I have is a puny stem.
