So four of us decided we could go for a $5 haircut too.
Yesterday we got $6 massages and we've all gotten a bit caught up in how cheap salon treatments are here.
Off to the Soy Beauty Salon we went.
Nari met us there to translate. Which should have been our first red flag. If you need a translator around someone with scissors, just pass on the whole thing.
I'm not at all picky about my hair in general and have been known to buy semi-permanent hair dye at 2am at Wal-mart so the whole idea of getting my hair cut in Asia didn't concern me.
With Nari as our translator, I asked to keep it long, angle the front, and cut my bangs a, uh....hers! (pointing at one of the hair washers with cute, side-swept bangs.)
Why did I think it was a good idea to get my bangs cut in Asia? We've all seen Asian bangs. No offense, but they don't look stellar on a round faced whitey like me. Hell, usually they don't look all that good on the Asian.
This girl had cute bangs though. And I wanted them. My guess is that he cut mine like he originally cut hers....about 3 months ago.
He only took about 10 minutes on each of us (after our 30 minute head massage and shampooing though) and I'm willing to bet he looked away when he made the first cut of my bangs. I swear the whole salon went silent before the snickering began.
The other girls were sympathetically telling me it doesn't look that bad or that I can probably just pin them back...for a few weeks. Comforting, girls. Thank you.
They don't look too bad blowdried and pushed to the side, but I highly doubt I'll be able to pin back the inch and a half of hair I have left in some places.
Let's have a looksie, shall we?

That's what it looks like when you get your bangs cut in Asia. Don't do it, dear readers. Just say no.
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