Friday, May 14, 2010

Hot, hot, hot.

Today was the day of even MORE temples. So, while I'm sure pictures would have you all enthralled, I'm not going to blog about that.

We went to three temples today. We were out in the heat from 9am-3pm. That's a really long time to be trekking around and climbing over ruins.

So at about the second temple the 104 degree heat hit me. Like a brick wall.

Headache, clammy, nauseous, and a hint of dizziness that had me grabbing for any steady structure.

Naturally, I was paired today with the girl who brought the 4 lenses (that she changes out regularly) for her massive camera. She enjoyed stopping every 30 seconds to smell the roses and then take pictures of them. Which is wonderful for photography and life in general. Doesn't fare well when you're reaching for the tuk tuk Sistine Chapel style.

Between the second and third temples we stopped by a little Khmer restaurant to eat lunch. AKA I spent 5 dollars to chug water and stare at a plate of fried rice. Which was spicy. And I can't eat spicy foods, thanks to my darling reflux problems.

Once we were done we climbed back into our tuk tuk, where our driver was no where to be found. We waited 20 minutes for our driver and guide before a random tuk tuk driver asked who we were waiting for. When he retrieved them, we were off to the third temple.

Still feeling like my suffocated spider caught under a cup (remind me to let him out after this), we arrived at the third temple. The Tomb Raider temple where Angelina Jolie herself frolicked about. I was not in the mood to frolic. Zero frolicking, sir. I told the guide I wasn't gonna make it to the temple and if I stepped out of the tuk tuk there was a strong chance I was going to dive face-first into the dirt.

So I waited in the tuk tuk.

For an hour and a half.

Which would have been fine if I would have been able to sit with legs spread, elbows on knees, head hanging between them like I had planned.

INSTEAD, the driver decided to practice English with me. Which he was not very good at. And it would have been fine, I'm all into international conversation classes, had I not felt like manure.

Did we talk about our favorite color? Nope. How about our families? No. How about anything remotely easy to converse about? Au contraire. We talked about democracy.

It was a wee bit painful.

Not only did we discuss the government of Cambodia versus America, but I was told I was wrong multiple times.

It went like this:

Driver:"In Cambodir we has ze people with ze problem. Zeeeee prezident. He don't lizen to ze people. In Amadica, you have ze problem and ze president, he fix the problem."

Me: "Not always. We elect representatives who vote for most stuff FOR the people, but it's impossible to make every person happy."

Driver: "No. That is not how it iz in Amadica."

And with that, I am defeated.

Alas, the hour and a half passes and it is time to head home! The wind through my tuk tuk is magical and I can feel the cold shower running already.

Quite naturally, the roommate with the key was not back yet. So we waited in the heat for another 30 minutes until she came.

Dear Mother,
I'm quite alright now. After a cold shower and a few minutes in the air conditioning this is all a bit funny. Not too funny yet, I need more air conditioning before it's really funny. However, the day didn't go well but I'm going to camp out in my cool room all night to return my body temperature to below boiling. I promise, tomorrow will be a better day.
Love, your darling daughter

PS- Yes, Mom, I drank water. In my defense I had 3000ml of water before/during all this happened.

Let's hope tomorrow something goes right.

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