Saturday 10am-Sunday 10am was Dance Marathon 2010.
I am just now blogging about it because I can just now form full sentences after a 36 hours period of being exhausted.
If you're unfamiliar with Dance Marathon, it's a 24 hour event where we celebrate all the fundraising efforts held to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network, more specifically to Georgia, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.
The Entertainment committee put together a ton of stuff to keep us occupied. Included in that was a band, dance groups, a cappella groups, a hypnotist, 26 stories of families with miracle children, dance parties, catered meals, inflatable slides/obstacle courses, and so much more.
This year I was on the Morale committee. Our job is to keep everyone excited and energized for the full 24 hours. We also make up a 10 minute dance and teach everyone else how to do it throughout the marathon. Keep up the "morale" you might say.
We're split up into different color groups and have to rep them as well as we can. Which, to me, sounds like a darn good excuse to wear the most ridiculous things I can find. Per usual.
**Our Morale leaders- he promised Morale if we raised enough money that he'd shave his head at the end of the marathon. We raised over $25,000 as a committee!**

**At about 5 in the morning we have "Club DM" which is basically a rave to get us all moving again and energized for the next 5 hours"

**USA hour**

**80's aerobics hour- ready for the rave.**

**I look for any excuse to break out this little baby."

**Found this gem in our social closet.**

**Got this one at Goodwill. I was going for the mechanic look.**
**One of my first outfits. I was called Sarah Palin, a flight attendant, a principal and a band director.**
At the end of the marathon, our total was announced and we raised over $250,000 for CMN. It was totally worth staying up all night.