Happy Easter to Christians and sinners alike! (Cause if you're not a Christian you're a sinner. Catch that?)
Had the joy of visiting the Fretta for the weekend to spend some quality time with the fam. Which of course...means a very eventful blog.
We had the typical family events like dying eggs, watching little children frolic through fields towards easter eggs, and attending church in bright colors and floral prints. We just, of course, put an Austin spin on everything.
Weekend started out with Ashley's wedding shower. Woop woop! Lisa bought her a luggage rack for her guest room. Hint much? We WILL be visiting. Lisa's boyfriend, Matt, visited this weekend so while we were at the wedding shower we had to set up a date with him and Bob so they wouldn't be bored while we were getting our girl on. TURNS OUT on Friday Matt and Bob found all sorts of fun boy dates to go on so the formal Saturday morning date wasn't really necessary. You wouldn't believe the fun things they did....brought the old washing machine to the recycling center...changed oil...took a couple trips to Pep Boys. Soulmates. So the formal date that was planned was to go see the Terracota soldiers exhibit at the High Museum. Halfway through the shower Matt sends Lisa a picture of him buddying up to a soldier. Then we peaced out of the shower and Lisa texted Matt that we were on our way home (implicitely to rescue him) and he said they were having a grand old time at the museum. They came home well after we did. Bob likes to play this fun game where he thinks his 6'2" 220lb frame might ever intimidate one of our boyfriends. Then he takes them on dates. Oh Bob, give it up. You're a marshmallow and you love our man friends.
So then we decide to dye eggs. Cause us Austins are artistic. In the pack of dye were blue, yellow, red, and green. Four colors...down. The problem: purple and orange. Orange was a little touch and go there for a second but it turned out alright (you're welcome, Hunter). Purple, on the other hand, was a light shade of brown. Some call it caramel...honey even...I call it baby shit. What a struggle.
**Fail egg.**
Ashley managed to make (aka ice) a bunny cake. It's supposed to have pink ears and a pink bow tie. Homegirl got a litttttle eager on the food coloring and dyed the coconut red. Hence...bowtie=red. Which means...easter bunny cake = UGA frat boy bunny cake. Just as delicious. So in order to get the red coconut back to pink she had to add milk to dilute it. Which then turned into wet gloppy pink coconut. So she stacked it on the bunny's ears about 1.5" high since it was all stuck together. And you can't waste coconut. Someone made the lovely comment that frat bunny had lots of earwax. Thanks for that. When I left the house this morning the center of the ears were all of the cake that was left.
Had the joy of visiting the Fretta for the weekend to spend some quality time with the fam. Which of course...means a very eventful blog.
We had the typical family events like dying eggs, watching little children frolic through fields towards easter eggs, and attending church in bright colors and floral prints. We just, of course, put an Austin spin on everything.
Weekend started out with Ashley's wedding shower. Woop woop! Lisa bought her a luggage rack for her guest room. Hint much? We WILL be visiting. Lisa's boyfriend, Matt, visited this weekend so while we were at the wedding shower we had to set up a date with him and Bob so they wouldn't be bored while we were getting our girl on. TURNS OUT on Friday Matt and Bob found all sorts of fun boy dates to go on so the formal Saturday morning date wasn't really necessary. You wouldn't believe the fun things they did....brought the old washing machine to the recycling center...changed oil...took a couple trips to Pep Boys. Soulmates. So the formal date that was planned was to go see the Terracota soldiers exhibit at the High Museum. Halfway through the shower Matt sends Lisa a picture of him buddying up to a soldier. Then we peaced out of the shower and Lisa texted Matt that we were on our way home (implicitely to rescue him) and he said they were having a grand old time at the museum. They came home well after we did. Bob likes to play this fun game where he thinks his 6'2" 220lb frame might ever intimidate one of our boyfriends. Then he takes them on dates. Oh Bob, give it up. You're a marshmallow and you love our man friends.
So then we decide to dye eggs. Cause us Austins are artistic. In the pack of dye were blue, yellow, red, and green. Four colors...down. The problem: purple and orange. Orange was a little touch and go there for a second but it turned out alright (you're welcome, Hunter). Purple, on the other hand, was a light shade of brown. Some call it caramel...honey even...I call it baby shit. What a struggle.
Ashley managed to make (aka ice) a bunny cake. It's supposed to have pink ears and a pink bow tie. Homegirl got a litttttle eager on the food coloring and dyed the coconut red. Hence...bowtie=red. Which means...easter bunny cake = UGA frat boy bunny cake. Just as delicious. So in order to get the red coconut back to pink she had to add milk to dilute it. Which then turned into wet gloppy pink coconut. So she stacked it on the bunny's ears about 1.5" high since it was all stuck together. And you can't waste coconut. Someone made the lovely comment that frat bunny had lots of earwax. Thanks for that. When I left the house this morning the center of the ears were all of the cake that was left.
This earwax frat bunny cake sister of mine was the same one that told me I couldn't wear red candy cane Christmas socks with my rainbows to Stein Mart. I don't see the problem. Christmas...Jesus was born. Easter...Jesus was reborn. Coorelation=totally there.
This is also the same sister that searched our old photo albums to prove to my mother that she was indeed forced to wear an Easter bonnet until she was 10. Now 10 might not seem that old but that's 3rd grade. Which meant that Ashley was at least 5'9". We all had to line up in front of the tree in my grandparents yard and pretend we were enjoying our puffy sleeved floral church dresses and bonnets. When my mom was a little girl a goat tried to eat the flowers off the top of her Easter bonnet and was nearly hung up by it's elastic strap. So she decided to inflict the same pain on her children by strapping on these God awful fake straw white bonnets to each of us Sunday morning. The elastic strap would roll back and forth again your skin and pull our all the little hairies around your temples and side of your face. Unfortunately for her...there were no goats around to entertain her. Now about the Ashley thing...I understand why she made her wear one for so long. It's not a secret she has a complete conehead. I'd be embarrassed too, Mom.
Lisa and I gave up sweets this Lent so as of today we can eat them! Wooo! And lucky for us Mom stocked us with enough candy to send us into a diabetic coma. The usual items were found in our baskets this year... Cadbury cream eggs, peanut butter eggs, jelly beans, robins eggs, whoppers, peeps, chocolate bunnies, toothbrushes. ASSKKKIRRRT. Toothbrushes? Ah yes...mother equipped us with hygiene maintainers (as i like to call them). After the amount of love she gave us today (yes, I measure love in candy) I guess I can brush my teeth for her.
So that was a little glimpse into Easter at the Austins this year. Always a fun time to get the fam together. So yea...good work, Jesus, with that resurrection thing.
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