Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Right hand rings are a girl's best friend

People are getting engaged and it's freaking me out.

Yes, it's fun to stalk the engagement pictures and see who can come up with the cheesiest Scrabble configuration.

But I, for one, am not ready for anyone to put a ring on it. People get married at different times, and some people are apparently ready at 22. It works for some people. Some people are ready to settle down and promise forever to their counterpart.

I am not some people. Tis not for me.

Until May 2013, I am married to my desk. I am married to Carroll Hall. I am married to all 700 level classes that start with JOMC. And I am married to a piece of paper that will hopefully come floating my way after the next 18 months of borderline torture.

And as the selfish 22-year-old that I am, I am perfectly ok with that. I am enjoying the freedom of being able to move 400 miles away from anyone I know without looking back.

The second you say "I do" you are part of a whole. Any significant decision you make has to be seconded. These are a few of the things I know about marriage. But in the grand scheme of things, I know nothing about it. I don't know what it's like to have to pick up man panties day after day and I don't have Axe shower gel in my bathroom (though I should look into it cause it smells guuuud). Quite honestly, I really enjoy being alone and having my own space. I enjoy being selfish and ambitious without anything holding me back. Not to say spouses hold you back because I'm sure they can be supportive and warm and fuzzy.

The point is, I'm not getting married anytime soon. So to people looking at me, that think dating someone for a few years automatically means imminent engagement, you will be sorely disappointed.

This includes my grandfather. He relished in my graduation, completing his dream of seeing all seven of his grandchildren graduate college. My fear is that he hopes to see all seven of his grandchildren get married. That being said, if he holds off for that, I may be solely responsible for him living for another 10 or 15 years. My unwillingness to commit makes me godly like that.

But hark! I have a scapegoat. My cousin David is four years older than I am and he is neither married nor engaged. So when my grandfather starts hinting that I look good in white, my first response will be that I'm just waiting my turn, so when David gets married I'll follow suit. On account of not being rude and cutting in line.

So far, this is my most logical and least expletive response.

If that fails, I will tell him I'm still exploring my sexuality and am considering the option of a civil union with Jodi Picoult. That, or that I have a great-grandchild on the way for him and don't want to be pregnant in my wedding dress. Or all of the above, just for fun.

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