I always got good grades, but never first in the class. I was decent at soccer but never the best. Same at tennis and volleyball. I go to a good school, but not Ivy League. Same thing again with my grades.
Point being, I recognize the phrase, "Jack of all trades, master of none."
About 14 months ago, boyfriend took me skeet shooting. We only shot one round, I had no idea what I was doing, but I beat him. I didn't think much about it, but I really enjoyed it.
So for my birthday this year, I asked to go back.
Me, homeboy, and two of our other guy friends went and shot three rounds. And I beat them all. And two other men who shot with us.

Not only that, but before we ever shot skeet, I could hit 10 out of 10 with a pistol at a golf-ball sized target from about 10 yards.
This all goes back to when I shot my first gun, a BB gun, in my Pop-pop's back yard when I was eight. I made every shot that day.
The point is, that in all the talents that people have, all the gifts that I could have been blessed with... I'm a good shot.
When on earth am I going to use that, except to embarrass my guy friends?
Can I cook? No. Can I sing? No. Can I dance? HAAAIILLLLL no.
Do I have a knack for accounting or business or medicine? No, no I don't.

My talent is useless. It will make me no money and I can't perform it on stage at all those pageants I do. But hey, can't complain that I have one. Hopefully there's another, more useful talent just waiting to burst out of the woodwork.
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