And it was epic.
Thursday at noon we packed up the car and headed out to St. Simons. Apparently the UGA fans stay in St. Simons because real fans of Georgia stay in Georgia, not Florida, so we didn't stay in Jacksonville.
Friday is beach day. Everyone packs up coolers and dresses up (since the game is always on Halloween weekend) and heads out to the affectionately nicknamed Frat Beach. Five of my friends and I went as Carebears. I was the pink one with the rainbow stomach. I hate pink. But my roommates said I should be the rainbow because I love the gays. They're smart.
Naturally we dressed up in t-shirts and shorts. Other people took advantage of the well known mean girls rule: "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it."
Which is fine. For some people. Nottttt so much for other people.
There should be an application process for people that want to bare that much skin. Complete with an interview.
Once we got to the actual game, we had the most annoying fans behind us that I am ashamed to say were UGA alum. I got spit on, spilled on, yelled at, and called a few choice words. Then I had coke spilled in my seat and was told that I shouldn't be sitting (during time outs) anyway, I should be standing and cheering for the Dawgs.
I was suddenly very angry with whoever wrote the chant, "Ain't nothin finer in the land than a drunk, obnoxious Georgia fan."
They were wrong. Sober, calm, yet excited and enthusiastic fans are probably better.
We lost the game, but it was the most exciting game I've ever been in the stands for, and my cake of a weekend already had plenty of icing so I wasn't too upset.
PLUS, I got to come back to the number one party school and, more importantly, one of the top college towns in the nation.
I count this weekend as a win.
it was so polite of you to block that girls face... lol!