Saturday, May 26, 2012

The ups and downs of summerhood (but mostly ups)

The best way I know to do a catch up post is via pictures. So that is what we'll do since I've been neglecting the 'Luff for way too long now. Last time I posted I had just finished school and was about to head back to Atlanta for the summer: unemployed and open for suggestions.

Right when I got back I got to watch this guy graduate from Georgia Tech after a mere five years with his industrial engineering degree.

Although I'm a UGA girl through and through, I will brag on Tech for a second because Wall Street just named them the Number 1 engineering school in the nation.  That's decent I guess.

But I still got a little pleasure out of these people who were dressed in red and black for whatever reason.

A week after the graduation we headed to the Bahamas to celebrate on a cruise! 

Since then I've been busy doing really important things.

Like fishing.

And letting my friends give me and my mom fake tattoos.

She's the coolest.

And, on a not-so-fun note, I finally got allergy tested.

21 shots in my arms and a bunch of grids with needles pressed into my back. And guess what I'm allergic to? (HINT: I've had allergies throughout my life with no idea what the cause is.)

Answer: DOGS.

I am allergic to dogs! That is terrible news. I love dogs. I want a gaggle of them. I want to use puppies as a duvet when I have my own place. But it makes a good amount of sense, seeing that I've lived with dogs forever and my allergies get worse when I'm home.


But, alas, I have landed a summer internship! So that's better news. I'll be working in corporate communications for Turner Broadcasting (TBS)! I'm pumped cause it sounds like the work is right up my alley. Chances are pretty good that I'll have more ridiculous intern stories to share soon, I start in a week. CNN Center, here I come!

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