Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bloggin' and Believin'

I've found a gem. Slash a hope for my future career as a religion/journalism major.

The CNN Belief Blog has a little bit of everything. Something that it has a LOT of, however, is loud-mouthed atheists that abuse the "comment" capability.

That being said, I just found this paragraph in one of the articles:

"The Protestant Reformation was in part about getting away from the authority of priests and popes. Why approach God indirectly when you can do so directly, Protestants asked. Why not read the Bible for yourself?

Unfortunately, there isn't much evidence that many American Protestants today are reading scripture with frequency or care. On a battery of 12 questions about Christianity and the Bible, American Protestants got 6.5 questions right on average, for a score of 54%. Many must rely on pastors like Long to tell them what to do and think."


That being said, I can't say I'm surprised. I think there is a very good point, that I have been known to argue myself, that people shouldn't rely solely on pastoral direction for spiritual guidance.

The article is about Eddie Long, pastor of a Baptist megachurch that got caught in a scandal. Go figure. We've seen this a time or two before, most notably with Catholic priests. But people are tired of the "Catholic priest caught in scandal with little boy" drama, namely Catholics. What I like about the article is that it mentions other religions and denominations that have been caught in scandals too, including Buddhists. We knew they were out there.

Anyways, if you have a lull at work and find all this interesting, take a look around the blog. They have belief and faith-based angles on current events as well as personal testimonies and experiences.

PS- World is ending on OCTOBER 21 now. Pastor Camping sends his apologies for the mix-up. Oopsies!

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