What do I love? Taking pictures. What do I love taking pictures of? Everything. But particularly bugs. I've been known to get up close and personal with these lovable little creatures so enjoy the ones I got pictures of.

**Cricket at the botanical gardens in Athens, Ga.**

**Incredibly huge centipede at our campsite in north Georgia.**

**Bug that had lost it's flight and died shortly after I took this in Memphis, Tenn.**

**Wasp I caught, killed and pinned for my lab in Costa Rica**

**Wasp in Costa Rica at the base of the Arenal Volcano**

**Beetle on a raincoat that was at least 2" long in Costa Rica**

**Moth during out butterfly catching lab in Costa Rica**

**Glass winged butterfly during our butterfly catching lab in Costa Rica**

**Leaf cutter ants in Costa Rica**

**Leaf bug in Costa Rica**

**Bug in Costa Rica**

**Tarantula in Costa Rica**

**Monarch in Sapelo, Ga.**

**Some sort of caterpillar in Costa Rica**
**Yellow beetle outside my room in Costa Rica**
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