We got married! And it was excellent. The day itself was everything we wanted.
More than anything I was struck by how the people there were genuinely happy for us. Not just "oh congrats on the nuptials" kind of happy but truly, blissfully thrilled for us. And supportive of this thing we decided to do. All we heard was how everyone shed tears during the ceremony.
J and I decided almost two years ago that we were fully committed to each other and, as a result of that commitment, we would get engaged and married. We were really excited about it - but at that point it was just between the two of us. All the people at our wedding were there to witness an event that symbolized that commitment - so for us nothing changed May 16 but for everyone else they now see us as the committed duo we are. So I guess that's why people were so happy for us but it caught me off guard.
In that vein, people keep asking me how married life is and if it feels any different than the past two years we've lived together. The general answer is no. We are actually pretty good at the everyday, getting groceries, who took out the trash, did you call your mom, can you hand me that, you need to clip your toenails kind of love. So good at it, in fact, that we decided to do it forever.
In my full 6 weeks of marriage, the only difference I've felt is thankfulness. I am thankful that I get this man and he's the one I'll share this everyday love with for years to come. I am so glad we did this thing and made it official and got to celebrate with our families. I'm thankful for the fullness that I feel with my husband and my family in our home. I'm just so damn thankful that this is where life has taken me.
So the short answer is that married life is great, but not any different. The true answer that I don't reveal casually is that I've never been more thankful for this life I have.
Here are some pictures that I think represent what a great day we had on May 16.