Monday, December 23, 2013

Here ye! Here ye!

My favorite person ever asked me to marry him yesterday! And I said, "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU SERIOUS!? WHAT? I'M GONNA THROW UP! RIGHT NOW? SERIOUSLY?"....and then I said "yes."

We've been planning to get engaged for months so it's been on my mind. He's not much of a planner so if he set anything up I would automatically suspect a proposal. We actually talked about it the other night and I said that I just wanted to be surprised but I didn't think he could pull off a full surprise because I know it's coming. 

I was wrong.

We were getting ready to go shopping yesterday and he kissed me and said, "Are we gonna spend forever together?" and with my usual attitude I said, "Depends - are you gonna propose?" And he said "Yup." Then he pulled out a ring, dropped to one knee and asked if I'd marry him! I said a lot of "Oh my god! What? Right now! Are you serious? SERIOUSLY!? Ahhh!" 

And then he said, "Let me try this again....will you marry me?" And I said "OF COURSE!!!!!"

Then there were some tears and lots of laughter.

Getting engaged on a Sunday morning meant that all my friends were in church and all his were still sleeping so no one would pick up their phones! But we drove straight to my parents' house to tell the whole family. We get there and everyone was out running errands! So we went to the LOFT and I told the checkout lady. I had to tell someonnnnneeeeee.

When I saw my family later I asked my sisters and mom if they wanted to go get manicures. They kinda said sure and I told them that I need to find a color that goes well with diamonds. It was really fun to see them put it together in those 2-3 seconds. Then we celebrated and called family and friends and had a mini engagement photo shoot. So here come the pictures!

In the car by ourselves cause no one was around:

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