Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another "don't judge" post

So it's the first day of school at ole UGA and I'm already learning lessons.

My first class has something to do with international journalism.

The teacher walked in and looked a little frump-tastic; white hair, extra pudge, glasses. And then she opened her mouth and spoke. I kinda laughed to myself cause it sounded a bit like she had downs. Not that there's anything wrong with downs, but it was gonna be a long semester with a voice like that.

And THEN she explained her travels as a journalist. She said that she's a bit hard of hearing because while writing for a newspaper in Trinidad she caught a virus that took away a bit of her hearing, hence her voice.

Basically, I thought she was lame and she's actually really cool. If she can fight off a virus from Trinidad, she can teach me journalism.

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