Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bone to Pick

I know. You're probably thinking, "Cindy? With a strong opinion about something? No way!" but it's true. I am my father's daughter after all (more like his sister's niece). So I've got a bone to pick.

On the wonderful campus of the University of Georgia there is, of course, the wonderful Sanford Stadium which is located on an even more wonderful Sanford Street. Between the journalism building and the student learning center is a chunk of that street that is one way.

Two way, did I say? Nope...one way.

All the cars go onnnnneeeee wayyyyyyy.

Now, there are drivers and there are pedestrians and there are bicyclists. Ahhhhh, the culprit. Bicyclists. They seem to have forgotten that they are supposed to follow the same rules as drivers. So what do you think that would mean on a one way road? Apparently not.

See, it doesn't bother me as much when they just go backwards down this one way street because we all break rules. I myself have been known for my jay walking tendencies. So I encourage you to live on the edge, take a chance.

BUT. The bikers who bother me are the vocal ones. I cannot tell you how many times I've witnessed a pedestrian look to the ONE side that cars should be coming from, start to walk across the crosswalk, get almost flattened by a bike, and then the kid on the bike yells something along the lines of, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!!"

Which is when I want to yell, "IT'S A ONE WAY STREET, (enter choice words)!!"

So to all dear cyclists, follow the rules you're supposed to. And if you choose not to, then at least, know you're in the wrong when you swerve and crash cause someone walked in front of you.

Love you mean it,
The person who walks in front of you

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