One thing we were warned about before coming to Morocco and one thing that has become increasingly evident is that it is extremely common for men to call out to women as they walk down the street. Nothing is meant by it and it isn't degrading or sexual as American's would usually interpret, instead it is just a comment of appreciation of your beauty. They would normally yell out in Arabic but since Liz and I are white they normally try French. The normal call is "SBA LKHIR! BONJOUR! HERRO!". Anyways, when someone Moroccan walks with us we make them translate what they are yelling to us, and these are some of the better ones we've heard:
- I've been called "princess" almost hundreds of times, in Arabic and English
- Any noise that you would use to call a cat to you...they use those ("tsss tsss")
- "I am poor and have no money but I can offer you my love"
- "I will pay five million durham for the one in the blue"
- "Blonde! And American!"....apparently I'm blonde for Moroccan standards
- Clapping. Yep, they clap when you walk by.
And probably my all time favorite:
- "I would give a thousand camels to have you as my wife"
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